It has been a crazy week meaning I have had minimal time to catch up on my meals and blogging and such. I suppose doing my laundry and sleeping are higher on the priority list. Anyways, I haven't been eating the best the past few days. I am a stress eater for sure. When things are going smoothly and I'm not stressed at work or about school or just worrying in general, it is really easy for me to stay positive, eat super healthy and get to the gym all the time. However, when going to the gym becomes a stress due to more hours at work, or feeling like I'm not making progress, I just self sabotage and eat bad food. If it's just been a long day and I want to mentally check out and un-wind there is nothing better than pizza and ice cream. However, this needs to not happen again for a while. My trip to maine is coming and I need to be in bikini shape!!!
Like I said, I have just been working a lot of hours. Probably close to 55 by the end of this week. And when I work that much, my free time is rarely productive. It normally just means I take naps and watch The Office on instant play, (and fail to update my blog). In some way, I feel like working so much merits me sitting around doing nothing. Almost like I have earned doing absolutely nothing. This isn't the case. I know myself, and if I stay moving, I have very active days. But if I keep succumbing to "one more episode"....let's just say it's a really good thing that I have enough underwear to last me two weeks without laundry (thank you 5 for $25 sales at Victoria's Secret). Speaking of underwear, I can't be the only person who has a mini battle everyday of deciding to wear the cute underwear because it's more fun to wear, or saving it for when your outfit is cuter or you're going out to dinner.
Ok, maybe it is just me. Because I'm a freak. Ah well. I will be posting some pictures of the crazy wild fires that have been going down in Boulder the past few days. But for now, it's back to work for me until about 3 or so. Then off to the gym to bust my ass.
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